Aches and pains....

Aches and pains....

Aches and pains....

Haven't posted much work lately, although have just added an oil on board that I actually finished some weeks ago, because arthritis in my spine makes painting a painful experience at times - and this month has been one of those times. However, I have topped up my reservoir of photographs from which to paint, and have continued to draw. Perhaps the wretched spine will prove to be a blessing in disguise, since I entered an extremely tight and detailed phase a while ago and am really anxious to break out of it. Perhaps a period of reflection will help me to do that. I have nothing against detailed work; the more variety in subject and treatment the better - am not too keen on closely-detailed watercolour, but acrylic might have been made for the detail-enthusiast, as it can be painted over and over. It's just that I don't really want to do it myself - I aspire to a broad and juicy treatment which I have very rarely achieved. Looking at recent work posted by Rupert Cordeux, for instance, is enough to bring home to me just how niggling I am tending to become. So break free! Follow the Crawshaw advice - "don't fiddle".... but it's so hard to break a habit .... entering another world when one paints, as we probably all do, it is so tempting to add that final touch; which leads on to another; oh, and while we're at it we'll just do that.... The remedy probably lies in my own hands. I work on a rather small scale, normally, and bought a job-lot of square canvas boards, 12" x 12"; I should have varied the sizes a bit, and should certainly work on a larger scale. Wish I were a bit better at taking my own advice.....
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