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Absent friends
Absent friends
I see Charles Willby hasn't been posting for a while: I know he has arthritis in his hands - mine is mostly in the spine, (and toes! I mean, of all places!) - so I can imagine what sort of problems he has. But Charles - I know we're all missing you here, and hope you'll be back soon.
We're also missing Raymond Ellis - an Australian painter, Ray had a heart attack about a year ago, and hasn't posted recently. Ray, if you're looking in - best wishes from, I'm sure, all of us; hope you're making progress and still painting: and many of us would love to see your work again.
And lastly, Béatrice Cloake; I know Béatrice had her own site, and that she's had a problem with ill-health; I hope things are looking better for her and that she too will return to POL - she was so welcoming when I first posted here, and gave such good advice to new painters.
I miss you all, and am sure I speak for many others on the site.
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