Aaron AArdvarks

Aaron AArdvarks

Is there a way to link Artists in the Gallery to Blogs

Is there a way to link Artists in the Gallery to Blogs. When I find paintings on the Gallery, Sometimes I would like to know more about the artist. So I then went to the Blog page but could not find what I wanted. I went to the Forum but could not find how to ask the Question. So resorted to this. Can Anyone Help.
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Ah a bit of Southwould is it? However you did it Roger it is technically brilliant...the digital age is encouraging creativity even if it is only air-brushing out the TV aerials, power lines or whatever... For me the digital age has destroyed the art of and the skills of photography...Equally I cannot trust the image to show the true picture anymore. A world of digital dishonesty?...So now I would rather paint the image. At least there are brush-marks to show how it was honestly made...Yes the image should be displayed here for all to see. For all to comment & offer constructive critique too. But the presenter of the image also needs to be honest in the description of the posted image too.