a gift to paint

a gift to paint

a gift to paint

i've been able to draw since grade school using pencil , crayons , water colors and pastel but not OIL... roughly 3 years ago , i was robbed, being a singlemom and the only breadwinner in my family... that incident made me so broke and devastated, i really dont know what to do. Then a friend of mine gave me a set of oil paint, and encourages me to go on and try to paint... so i did, and ask some of my friends in facebook if they wanna buy it so i can earn money for my family most specially for my son, Heri. And there it all started, it was a blessing in disguise to found out that i can paint, that i can use oil paint as my medium. I owe this to my family and friends who simply believed that i can.... until now i am still selling paintings to earn extra money for my son, he is a special child , he has Down Syndrome and i am truly blessed in having him as my angel, so now i call myself a SPECIAL MOM. (for anyone who is interested in helping me and my son in selling my paintings, please add me on facebook "OBRA ESPESYAL" all of my paintings were there, also with pictures of my son, my number one fan ) God bless us all.
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