art projects, art holiday

This coming year will be an interesting arty one. I will be involved in another international collaboration with artists, photographers, dancers poets in Germany. Last September we exhibited our collective work in Brussels. I will also be running an art holiday in Kefalonia, Greece for the 3rd year running. If any of you bloggers out there are interested then please contact my email address and I will forward you the website address of the art holiday and other info regarding the course.
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Thanks Ian for your comprehensive reports. I use a CAD programme in my day job which has 256 colours but no mixing, although I can use hatches to 'dilute' and blend the colours. Problem comes when printing as the colours never look the same on paper as on the screen; also the scale at which it is printed affects the density and therefore the colour and intensity of the hatched colours. This doesn't matter on technical drawings but on presentation stuff it is a nightmare.

Hi Ian just been in the gallery what a discussion I've joined in of course...this is lovely the sky colour is beautiful...why don't you put it in your portfolio in the gallery...did your daughter find any Pixies hope so...Lorna Doone now you bring back memories one of my favourites as a child...at the moment I am trying to persevere with Chinese Brush Work...when I first decided to try it I thought this is easy but hey the disipline oh boy after I have finished painting the landscape which is to be a gift I'm going to really go to work on the Brushwork...I like the disipline...and when I'm painting in this style the world fades away which is how I like it