2008 came so quickly!

2008 came so quickly!

2008 came so quickly!

First to everyone out there my apologies for not having updated my blog for so long. What with a chest infection and two exhibitions right before Christmas the time passed before I knew it. I have to keep reminding myself that it is now 2008. I must also apologize to the person who sent me a message from the USA, I have delayed in replying to you for far too long, I'm sorry. In reply to your query, yes we do have a tourist base to sell to and I have sold both of my paintings to visitors. Sadly, the Island's tourism authority is in a bit of a mess at the moment and doesn't seem able to push the island at all. Having said that it isn't all their fault. We have a high number of older people on the island and many take up art when they retire so art clubs flourish. Mind you, us younger people participate in art quite a bit too so the future for the clubs is looking fairly good. Unemployment is very high here. I seem to hit the age barrier too now, I think when firms see my cv (resume) and see my age they just pass me over for someone younger. I will have to keep pushing the art side of things, but I must admit money is now getting very tight indeed. I do have a website (www.lindamarques.com) and also a store on LuLu, but so far neither has proven fruitful. I hope time will put this right. I am also hoping that the local galleries will be interested in my paintings, one of them seemed quite keen when I took a picture in to be framed so there may be some future there. I hope the new year is being good to you all and I will try to update my blog a bit more often!
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