Brian Smith


I have drifted in and out of art throughout my life and now I’m retired I hope to rekindle the passion I had for it when I was young. I first realised art was an important part of my life at the age of 11yr. As a sickly child I spent a lot of time off school and drawing became a daily activity to fill the long empty days. I studied art up to A’ Level then tried to become freelance for a couple of years. I did make a small income preparing graphics for a local printer, sign writing, the odd portrait, and anything else that was remotely connected with art. Unfortunately the time involved in doing the commercial work drew me further away from the art I enjoyed so after my first and last exhibition at 21yr old I called it a day. I dipped into painting and drawing over the years but never had the same drive to pursue it again. I got involved in theatre, photography, film making, animation and crafts and taught people with disabilities for many year. I was lucky to be able to retire very early and now help run a charity that teaches crafts to people with learning disabilities as well as rekindle my interest in arts.