Parimal Vaghela


I have nothing to say about my paintings. It doesn't have any philosophy, advice or any message to convey. My paintings are just a visual excitement created by the form, composition and implication of light and shades. I want to create some emotional attachment with the beholder with the help of the objects, situation or composition in my paintings. Most of my still life paintings are the depiction of Indian culture and way of living. I like to paint very common objects of everyday routine. I try to put life and beauty in almost dead or otherwise boring objects. Many of my paintings are “found subjects”. I place newspaper in many of my still life paintings. I prefer to use newspaper to make my still life paintings a little bit different from the conventional still life. Its by-product is that one can easily find out the time frame in which that particular painting was made as I used to include the contemporary issues that is prevailing in our society in the transcripts of the newspaper. So my paintings reveals the contemporary issues prevailing in our society automatically in the form of the news. I am trying to continue the legacy of some old masters who has created the masterpieces, the legacy of that visionary who constantly chase not only what is but what could be, and pass it to the next generation to pursue their legacy. Is it their genuine thought or just the sense of beauty? A masterpiece is both. That is why it stands the test of time and why it is worth celebrating. Painting for me is a journey which at times is laborious but I enjoy striving for the excellence.