Wendy Mercer


I have always been drawn to painting, but my interest in Art changed dramatically twenty years ago, when I became involved in the use of art therapy working with young people with educational needs. I proceeded to join different classes, enabling me to build my confidence and skills working in all mediums. In 2013 I exhibited successfully for the first time where, and have been showing my work on a regular basis ever since. I particularly enjoy showing my work in an environment where I am able to meet the public and discuss aspects of not only my work but art in general. My work captures the world around me, family, friends, nature, scenery – I love being able to put what I see and feel onto paper or canvas, and watching a picture evolve. Growing as an artist is very exciting. I love bold colours and nature always inspires me. With this I mind I’ve ventured into looser styles and Mixed Media experiments. There are so many paths to walk down, and I hope you will walk with me as I continue my journey as an artist.