Zangmo Alexander

Zangmo Alexander

Free your creativity! Personalised, encouraging, one-to-one Art and Photography Tuition for self expression and self discovery in a friendly, informal atmosphere with an experienced, inspiring, qualified artist and art teacher. Everyone welcome, from absolute beginners to very experienced. Explore all media including pencil, charcoal, pastel, ink, acrylics, watercolour, oils, gouache, mixed media, collage. Experiment with both traditional and modern styles and themes of personal interest. Benefit also from Life Coaching, Creativity Coaching and Mindfulness Coaching to support you in moving through those creative blocks. Workshops, Retreats, Breaks designed just for you. Face to face sessions plus ongoing support at a distance using post, phone, skype, email. Phone me on 01379 897393 to discuss your needs and explore options.



Flat 5, Osmond House, The Street, Botesdale, Suffolk, IP22 1BS

01379 897393

[email protected]

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