Michele Del Campo

Michele Del Campo

I teach monthly workshops in my studio, usually lasting 3 days and covering all aspects of the "alla prima" oil painting, especially focused on the figure. The workshops are for beginners and advanced artists. Very few places are available in each workshop, for optimum learning of each attendee and to give the possibility to them to work on bigger formats and be more expressive. Demonstrations will open each morning session, with detailed technical explanations, and will continue on the students canvases when that is needed for a better understanding. Program for the 3 days workshop (first workshop, level 1; a level 2 is offered to students that have done the level 1): Wash drawing on the canvas: capturing the essential before painting straight on. Tips on how to measure and maintain the proportions. Mixing colour and tone on the palette, a special method for maximum purity and brightness of colours. The most frequent mixes for skin tones. How to create the impression of light: some theory of colour. The light in the shadow: representing the reflected, indirect light and reading the reflected colours in the shadows. The greys and the blacks: how to create a variety of them from colour mixing, avoiding pure black pigments. Wet-on-wet: How to blend and control the colours, and how to prevent them from getting muddy. How to use the right brushes for all kinds of effects. The use of mediums: why, where and how. Controlling the edges: sharp vs soft edges, and how to obtain them wet-on-wet. How to clean and preserve your brushes, your colours on the palette for several days and how to safely handle pigments.



The Chocolate Factory, Clarendon Road, London, London, N22 6XJ


[email protected]

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