"Going for a Swim"

"Going for a Swim"

Beautiful painting Wendy, lovely composition

lovely summer feel, captures the relaxing feel of summer :-)

lovely summer feel, captures the relaxing feel of summer :-)

Like them borth, Wendy. They are beautifully drawn and so very vibrant.

What a beautiful painting Wendy,thier Grandmother must have been delighted to see it. You must be pleased with it too.

Posted by Joy Lee on Wed 25 May 11:39:32

A wonderful painting Wendy , you have captured their movement beautifully.

Super pastel drawing of the little girls going for a swim, great colours and details, super figure work

Hang on Studio Wall

The pastel version of the previous drawing.

About the Artist
Wendy Titterton

I have been painting for about 25 years, latterly mostly in soft pastels but I started with oils, and acrylics. I haven't been doing much painting during the Covid years. Unfortunately I fell and broke my right shoulder, consequently I have limited movement of my right arm. I have just started a…

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