More G Ma boasting


It’s great, but what medium?? Looks digital.

No it is not digital John its pen and ink and patience.

Fabulous Sylvia.

Well that absolutely terrific then. Please give your granddaughter my compliments.

Tell her well done (and you for your genes!)

Of course it’s in the genes! Let’s take the credit😁. Must look this up but I remember reading somewhere that grandparent’s genes figure more in their grandchildren than in their children. Somebody will put me right I’m sure.

This is eye-catching, Sylvia, and so well done. (I also thought it looked digital when I first saw it.)

No it decidedly is not digital..I've just checked every mark done by hand.

It’s an interesting point because as it is not digital we know skill has been employed in the images creation. Done digitally the forms and shapes are already done for you, just arrange and add colour. However there is skill in digital art when it really is the artist own work.

I take your point John. But if you can produce this quality of image from your own skill that is great...all of her work is of this quality plus asking big money. She is one very talented artist.

It’s a terrific piece Sylvia, you have every right to be proud! I’ve looked and looked and I can’t work out how she even started it. It’s so clever.

Brilliant piece 'one of Sylvia's granddaughters.'

Wow love this Sylvia proper cool 😎 👌 💕💙❤️💖

Thanks everyone...will show Lenny your lovely comments If you want to see more of her stuff Look for Helenya Apostalou


Fabulous work.

Brisket and Spencer...she is clever lady...ta for looking.

Chris I apologise for changing your name, my eyes and fingers don't always co ordinate .

Mesmerising. Talented lass

Super work here and a great future ahead for your granddaughter Sylvia.

Wowee! This is really super

Oh that’s amazing.All those lovely transparent colours

She is pretty good and yes I am so proud of she is one lovely person.

Another contender for our TALP Young Artist of the Year Sylvia? Certainly a talented young lady!

Hang on Studio Wall

Done by one of my grand daughters...she is going paces. It's all in the genes you know.

About the Artist
Sylvia Evans

Sylvia Evans. I am mainly a self taught artist, though I did spend a year at Rochdale School of Art in the late 1950’s. I was then made to get a “Proper Job” by my father, so I spent the next few years in a nursing career. I married and had a family, just picking up a pencil to amuse my…

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