self portrait

self portrait

Hee hee...... partners are such ..... swine, basically.... Does it look like you? Not that it much matters, it's a strong image and I like the blue touches at the back of the head and shoulders. It loses a little definition from the right shoulder down - I would expect the division between the chest muscles (which some of us tragically lack) to be a little clearer, ie the pectorals ought to be in line with the general sweep of the figure, in this case roughly in line with the point of the chin. You may not, quite, have those muscles .... but pretend!

Coming back for a third look, actually I don't think the lack of anatomical detail from the shoulder down actually matters at all - I fiddle with things until they're "finished", and sometimes kill 'em off.

Thanks for your comments Robert. Yes the painting does look like me (unfortunately!). Painted from a photograph taken about 18months ago. I do wear glasses though and have a gaotee now! The photograph of course has totally different colours....i just wanted to experiment with reds, yellows and blues. I don't always look quite so evil.

Thought I would seek out your portfolio as you had taken the time to comment on my work. These portraits are very strong and full of character. I think that I would be rather nervous if I met you in a dark place! I have painted myself several times but never managed to get an image that I was happy with!

Thank you for your comments. I may look 'demonic', but am quite angelic really!

great colours so dramatic!! i painted john lennons face in pink and yellow and blue......

Hang on Studio Wall
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Self portrait on acrylic paper 38.5cm x 26cm. The quickest portrait I have ever painted (5 hours), and my first self portrait. My partner has said that the only thing missing are the two little red horns! Well I tried.

About the Artist
Stephen Michael Law

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