Coverack nr Falmouth, Cornwall

Coverack nr Falmouth, Cornwall

A very pretty scene Linda. You could always rub out the sky and fill it in again.

Not ruined at all Linda those colours. It has a story book feel to it.

Thank you for your comments Sylvia and Margaret. I don't think I can"rub out" the sky, but i might try an application of ink.

Looks really good LInda, you have a nice Style

Very sweet and nice!

Many thanks David and Juris for taking the time to comment.

Looks fine Linda. I like the way the watercolour has reacted, it provides a nice contrast to the more illustrative line work.

Hang on Studio Wall
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An excercise in not using Earth colours. This started as a perfectly decent drawing in ink, but I then ruined it by applying watercolour!

About the Artist
Linda Wilson

Since retiring from a career in education and training management, I returned to art after a gap of 40 years. Now I travel was much as I can with my husband and take an enormous amount of photographs, some of which I use as reference photos. Meanwhile, I take a weekly course in portraiture and…

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