Duck's Coop

Duck's Coop

Really lovely painting Linda, great reflections

Amazing reflections Linda.

we used to have a pair of mandarins in our garden, that whats comes of having an eccentric as a dad . you havre captured thier sleekness they never had a feather out of place. all those reflections must have been a labour of love. This is a picture with astory.

Beautiful. I love the patterns.

Just found your gallery and had to leave a comment on this amazing painting. Those reflections must have driven you to distraction ( they would me) but what a fantastic pattern they make around the duck. Many thanks for your comment on my latest pastel painting, much appreciated.

Thank you all - yes the reflections did drive me to distraction. The whole painting took three days. the reflections were done with the aid of a mapping pen and masking fluid.

Linda such a pleasure when a fellow artist drops by and leaves interesting comments. Thank you. I think the right title for this piece is indeed driven to distractions. The reflections compete with the subject I feel. Take care with photographs because if we are not careful, very careful, thats what we end up with a copy of a photograph.

This is really lovely with the wonderful pattern of the reflections.

Thank you Tony.

Hang on Studio Wall

After a month's holiday in China, I was surprised at how few ducks were to be seen, even with cruises on the Lui and Yangtze rivers. It seems that after the bird flue scare all domestic birds were caged in. On the last day I finally found this mandarin duck in an ornamental garden. when I got home and viewed my thousands of photos, I noticed the intricate reflections of the coop which imprisoned the ducks.

About the Artist
Linda Wilson

Since retiring from a career in education and training management, I returned to art after a gap of 40 years. Now I travel was much as I can with my husband and take an enormous amount of photographs, some of which I use as reference photos. Meanwhile, I take a weekly course in portraiture and…

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