Brighton seafront

Brighton seafront

Love this Shirley, but have to ask, how big is it? It's only seems very small even in blow up mode, but the colours and details are simply stunning, I found it by following the trail from your black spaniel painting which brought me to this great gallery of yours, which was a joy to see you have done some really excellent paintings over last couple of years

Hi Ros, Thank you for your very kind comments on my paintings. This really is a bit small, it is only 10 x 26 cm, and is a double-page spread from my khadi paper watercolour sketch book. It took a morning, down on the beach with my friend Rosie painting as well. I'm so glad you like my pictures. I love painting on the spot, and I've got a small exhibition coming up in March in Crowborough Cafe Baskerville, called "On-the-spot Water Colours". So you give me confidence, thank you! Shirley M.

Hi Shirley i replied on my cats eyes pastel to your kind and funny comment, had a bit of a rant! because i was feeling peeved over my pastel drawings and what a struggle i always have with them, the pastel eyes are easy for me, its the pets fur thats the problem, soft pastel pencils are the obvious choice for fur but because they are so soft and chalk like with wishy washy colours they dont keep a good point on them for more than a few strokes meaning its difficult to complete a dog or cat say, and the oil pastels only come in stick format which wears down quite easy too and is then pretty useless for fine detail such as fur and cant even be sharpened because they are in stick form, so i have been quite disapointed with my experiences with pastels. You are doing really well having exhibitions, good luck with the one in March!

Hang on Studio Wall

This morning down on the front by the merry-go-round.

About the Artist
Shirley May

Always loved drawing and painting. Studied biology at UEA, PGCE at Sussex, then part-time art studies at Sussex and Brighton, including printmaking. Before Covid I gave a little weekly watercolour class for 7 years. Now I am using acrylics on canvas and paper en plein air whenever possible.

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