Isfield revisited


Lovely Shirley, super darks and lights in this

Superb - love how you have painted the fence in the Foreground.

Lovely painting shading are lovely.

Beautiful lighting.

Nice strong contrasts and good mark making Shirley.

Good composition and painting Shirley, lighting is perfect

Thank you for these kind comments, much appreciated.

This looks really good Shirley , the colours are great and you certainly have achieved a good light effect.

Lovely sunlight and shade Shirley.

Hang on Studio Wall

Trying to understand things a bit better. Where detail should be. How to get light effects. Keeping at it!

About the Artist
Shirley May

Always loved drawing and painting. Studied biology at UEA, PGCE at Sussex, then part-time art studies at Sussex and Brighton, including printmaking. Before Covid I gave a little weekly watercolour class for 7 years. Now I am using acrylics on canvas and paper en plein air whenever possible.

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