Southerndown Beach

Southerndown Beach

Lovely painting Sheridan

This is fabulous Sheridan, I really like your style. I had a look at the lady you mentined on your last posting...Ross, I see what you're trying to achieve, and I would say you are pretty well on your way there! Keep posting.

Lovely painting Sheridan, nice and loose, simple palette. Yes I love painting outside, it is difficult - like today I've nearly been blown away but as a pleasurable hobby it beats being inside working from photos.

Good work Sheridan, the rocky headland looks very powerfull.

I'd be very interested in more detail about this painting (which works well) - eg, its size, the surface on which it was painted (eg, that's a VERY strong weave), the time it took, the palette. Even so, without all that - it has immediacy, power, and impact.

Thank you for your encouraging comments.I painted on a canvas board triple primed with gesso and the size was 12" x 9". I worked on the painting for about 2 hours.

Hi again... the palette used was : Coeruleum Hue, Yellow Ochre, French Ultramarine, Crimson Lake, Burnt Umber and White.

A good strong painting, very simple but works well. The waves are fantastic and I love the colours!I do admire people who paint en plein air, I have never tried, perhaps I should. Well done Sheridan!

Hang on Studio Wall

Second attempt at painting en plein air. I felt much more confident today - really loved painting the sea. You don't have a moment to consider if you are painting it the right way as it changes so quickly. Very liberating.

About the Artist
Sheridan Ward

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