On the route to Compostela

On the route to Compostela

Interesting shell shape denoting Sant Iago. Thank you for posting it. Lovely painting.

Thanks Linda. It made a lovely stop for a picnic. Heather

I love this! What a terrific find, also.

Well done you for this gorgeous find, a beautiful painting Heather

Terrific painting Heather, very nice work!

Lovely colours here Heather.

Thank you all for your kind words, they are much appreciated.

Lovely painting Heather.

A very pleasant painting, like your other landscapes.

Hang on Studio Wall

Discovered this lovely little pack bridge whilst walking in the South of France. Oil on canvas board 10 x 12

About the Artist
Heather Parkinson

I'm a self taught artist who was inspired to start painting when watching Alwyn Crawshaw's A brush with art TV programmes. I have been enjoying the Painters on line gallery for quite a while and decided a couple of years ago to start posting my efforts.

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