Charlie's Christmas Greeting

Charlie's Christmas Greeting

He makes me smile the little Charlie. I wish you both a Very Happy Christmas Robert!

Charlie looks like a coiled spring Robert, a Happy Christmas to you.

Happy Christmas Charlie, and to you Robert.

What a lovely dog! And a great painting too... Merry Christmas!

Happy Christmas, lovely painting of Charlie

Happy Christmas Robert, thanks for the smile.

Happy Wuffmas Charlie and Robert!

Diana Hudson on Facebook (former POL-er) says she looks as though she's seen the TV listings.... there is much in this....

Charlie looks as impressed by the festive season as I do :)<br />Lovely image, Merry Christmas Robert and Charlie.

Thank you Robert. Happy Christmas to you too! Charlie will cheer up I am sure.

All the best for Christmas Robert and a Happy New Year.

Beautifully rendered piece of work Robert .<br />Thank you for commenting on my latest painting in gouache , I find gouache is a great medium and its sells very well for me as it packs a punch visually , every punter that looks at a framed piece always presume it&#39;s an oil painting .<br />I find it absolutely baffling that most artists shun this remarkable medium , it&#39;s quick drying also overlaying of colour and mistakes are easily rectified ; a fellow artist has several paintings in this medium painted 60 years ago and they&#39;re still beautifully fresh and vibrant .<br /><br />Funnily enough Robert I used to avoid horses as a subject like the plague until I realised I was not thinking correctly about them as a subject because normally when I paint I think of subjects merely as shapes and just paint them , I was seeing horses as horses instead of just shapes which is what I now do and that sorted my problem out .<br />Horses as a subject used in a landscape nearly always sell over here so my reasons are based on giving customers what they want .<br />Hope you had a great Christmas and all the best for the new year .

Hang on Studio Wall

Charlie the dog is (plainly) feeling TREMENDOUSLY excited about Christmas.....

About the Artist
Robert Jones, NAPA

Born November 18th 1950. Former party political agent, former chairman of housing association. Has worked as a volunteer with the NHS since 2000, painting seriously for the last ten years, sporadically for the last 50. Member, National Association of Painters in Acrylic from October 2015

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More by Robert Jones, NAPA