Peace for Evermore

Peace for Evermore

I'm trying to appeal to his conscience - snag is, I'm not sure he has one......

This is great Robert, I love your sense of humour!

Has he tried fairground duck shooting instead? - better than tranquillizers.

Has he tried fairground duck shooting instead? - better than tranquillizers.

You certainly do have quite a sense of humour, but I'm not sure that painting such a healthy looking bird will have the desired effect.......

You mean - I might just be whetting his appetite...? Damn' - never thought of that...

It's great !! What a sense of humour I couldn't help but laugh.Thanks for putting a smile on my face.

Posted by Joy Lee on Mon 09 May 11:53:22

Absolutely love this, Robert! I couldn't stop laughing for a while!

What a lovely naughty idea!! Robert, I love it!!!!

Oh Robert! how could you? LOL

As you know Robert I have always loved your sense of humour as well as your paintings, the poor bird - but at least you have captured him for eternity ! thank you for your very helpful comments on my collie painting, the last few dogs I did were drawn with no measuring (I normally line up with a ruler with a T shape for the eyes and nose) as I have been doing a lot of outdoors painting I am finding it hard to get into the discipline of measuring. I think you are right as the eyes are slightly off but I did this in about 2 hours non-stop which is not like me at all and I have gotten quite attached to him but my niece wants it so I have done him again today but in a much more controlled approach and it is not good at all - 3rd time lucky Thank you again for taking the trouble to look properly at him - very useful learning curve for me as I had forgotten about checking the corners of the eyes and the nose too !

Hang on Studio Wall

My landlord has a lamentable tendency to shoot things for his dinner. This is his birthday card. The caption added in Paintshop, but it is a watercolour.

About the Artist
Robert Jones, NAPA

Born November 18th 1950. Former party political agent, former chairman of housing association. Has worked as a volunteer with the NHS since 2000, painting seriously for the last ten years, sporadically for the last 50. Member, National Association of Painters in Acrylic from October 2015

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