Lost and found in the city

Lost and found in the city

Great exercise to undertake Peter, has lovely busy feel about it.

I love the wet in wet work of the background and the figures blend into the atmosphere so well.

Nice harmonious palette, love the lost and found.

Great piece Peter always quality from you

Thankyou all so much for your comments.

A simple but very engaging scene. Great figures.

Posted on Sun 23 Jul 10:57:42

I should do pieces like this, I'm not very good at either street scenes or people, my own fault for not practicing. This has a lovely relaxed flow to it Peter.

Thankyou bth Ibolya and Fiona.I love street scenes and you should paint them too Fiona.Maybe practie is the key.

Such a good watercolour Peter. Love the colours, washes and especially those figures!

Thankyou for taking the time to view and comment Louise.

Hang on Studio Wall

A sketch based on a photo taken in Cork CITY centre.The title refers to the lost and found edges in the sketch.

About the Artist
Peter Buchanan

Hi, I'm Peter and I paint with watercolours. I have always loved the outdoors and I like to try to paint my favourite landscape and seascape scenery using watercolours. I always feel that painting is a journey and that I make progress steadily but not rapidly and that my best paintings are yet to…

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