

Hi Michael, nice one, I have no problem with adjusting a composition just because moving a tree or changing the season, lighting etc to give a better picture. In the past I relied heavily on photos taken and still do. Depending on the subject I would technically scale across onto my paper, the building, machines etc to ensure accuracy of the main subject piece but this is an entirely new subject matter on its own.

Good bright watercolour, sensitive use of line also on the buildings. You have brought life to it with the subshine.

Michael, we posted more or less simultaneously - again! I Iike this very much - the composition, the perspective and, above all, the "brightness" that I find difficult to achieve. Perhaps I need to clean my palette more thoroughly! May I ask how big it is and what paper/colours you used?

Lovely watercolour scene Michael, shapes of the buildings and colours used are so good and add to the summery feel, very attractive work can't help but be drawn to it

Thanks all. Terry - the size is approx 12ins by 8ins - my preferred size. It mounts up after a bit of cropping in 18 by 14 glass size. My standard palette is raw and burnt sienna, light red, paynes grey, Ultramarine, cobalt blue, winsor blue, and olive green.

I'll have to have a look at the forum now. Artistic licence is all.

Beautiful and sunny.

I like the lead in to this and how you have created a sunny atmosphere. A good advert for moving to the village.

Your watercolours are always so bright and fresh looking Michael and this is no exception, super work.

A really stunning piece, Michael. The sky is so beautifully done and the light lends a a wonderful summery atmosphere to the scene. I really like it.

Thanks for your comments - they are so much appreciated

I've traveled this road many times! Good composition Michael and beautifully executed.

Excellent, who cares if it is artistic licence, we all use it now and then, this is superb, why it works is just down to a great hand weilding a paintbrush brilliantly!

Hang on Studio Wall

Back to the village scenes - done from a photo as usual but only to get the outline image - see the current discussion in the forum - I have changed colours, adjusted shapes etc to paint what i could see in my mind. If only the real scene were this sunny - in fact the photo was taken on a miserable overcast winters day! ...

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Michael Edwards

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