Winter Light, Walsham, River Wey

Winter Light, Walsham, River Wey

Lovely colours and light

Super en-plein-air piece Melanie, well done for getting out there. That light on the water is a great success.

Many thanks. Nice to know it was worth standing out in the freezing cold last week.

I used to know someone that lived on a canal boat there! Lovely painting.

Beautifully painted, great light, like the way you have done the water.

This works fine and makes an attractive painting Melanie. Nice work

Hang on Studio Wall

Painted last week on location along the banks of the River Wey - yes it was freezing!

About the Artist
Melanie Cambridge

I have been a full time artist for the past 20 years, teaching adults, painting for galleries and commissions and writing about art whenever I can. I take inspiration from working on location - even in winter - to capture light and colour of the landscape. I love painting in oils and am very…

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