Inspired by Haidee-jo

Inspired by Haidee-jo

Beautiful painting, Marjorie - it does have a Haidee-Jo feel to it! I love her "Vibrant Oils" book and DVD, and find them very inspiring too...

Lovely airy feel about this Marjorie. I imagine it wasn’t easy painting the wrought iron furniture. Do love the way you have painted the foliage.

Very pretty, Marjorie.

Beautiful, Marjorie - so much lovely detail - I'm very impressed.

Lovely painting Marjorie, very reminiscent of Haidee-Jo but definitely your style! I love the light on the foliage.

Wonderful painting, Marjorie, beautiful light and composition.

Thankyou Jan, Carole,Dawn, Margaret, Tessa and Cesare - must say, I liked painting the foliage best!

I haven't scene the original but this is very well painted. I always find tables and chairs do difficult to draw correctly, these seem spot on to me, well done.

Well she's an inspiration to many of us Marjorie, and what a splendid job you've done painting this one. That wrought iron is superbly drawn, well beyond my patience, or ability probably!

Stephen, Haidee-Jo had an article in The Artist ( I think) about looking to our own surroundings for inspiration - in her case, and mine, the garden. It would be a very different painting if I did it today, with the clouds and the rain.

So full of sunlight Marjorie and you've made such a lovely job of painting that garden furniture, enough detail without being too fussy.

Only just really seen this Marjorie. Nice work indeed.

Alan, thanks, you mustn't look too closely at that furniture! And thanks Val and Jim.

I already have! Just right, not overworked or tight.

Lovely work Marjorie, you've captured the sunlight so well.

Thanks Russell. And again, Alan!

Just beautiful, Marjorie, especially love the light caught in the bottom right hand corner, sets of those greens so very well!

Not quite as colourful as your little orner Thalia - thankyou!

I've always thought of your work as being set apart from the rest...something to do with genuine indulgence in your surroundings and familiarity with personal artefacts, and that's why it has been a real pleasure on the rare occasions that I visit this site, to see what you have done next. Keep looking for the novelty in the ordinary and describing it without reference to anyone else. Lastly, and here's a funny write this I've had to scroll three quarters down you painting...I couldn't work out how the spectacles fitted in to your painting...but it's ok...I get the odd 'DUH" moment. Hope you're well and working. R

I couldn't work out what you meant Roger...then I did.

Dennis, you are very kind!

Hang on Studio Wall

Small oil on canvas, photo'd in bad light!

About the Artist
Marjorie Firth

Still Life, seascapes and portraits are my favourite subjects. I paint whatever takes my fancy, am self-taught and, from time to time, attend short courses. I paint in a variety of media, oils are my favourite. I enjoy the challenge of entering the monthly POL competitions and have exhibited 5 times…

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