Too good to eat


Wow Marjorie this looks good, beautifully drawn and the colours are excellent.

Super cherries Marjorie!

Beautiful I could definitely eat those, love the way you have painted the glass bowl Marjorie

Wonderful, Marjorie - love the glass and cherries!

Another great piece Marjorie.

The cherries are so realistic and a lovely glass dish,

How have you become so good, so soon, with oil pastels Marjorie? There’s some alchemy afoot here! The glass dish is superb and I’m admiring the texture in the foreground….texture without smudging? A lovely piece.

Super work, Marjorie. The colour and sheen on the cherries and the grainy surface that the bowl sits on are perfect.

Thanks for all the lovely comments. There aren’t many colours in this - my Sennelier set is small. I’m enjoying using them so I’m about to order some chunky ones. Fiona, I blended most of it except the shelf so no smudging. Also, you’re talking to someone who, as a kid, ate jam sandwiches while holding them with a piece of paper. Didn’t like sticky fingers 😆 Seriously, I do get a bit messy, they’re certainly different from soft pastels.

Yum, very nice indeed

Impressive and definitely delicious Marjorie!

Beautifully done, Marjorie, love the colours.

Lovely cherries. Really like the background too

Wow - that is superb. Love the detail of the glass bowl too!

Super painting Marjorie, I really like the texture created in the table.

That glass dish is excellent Marjorie 👏

I love this, Marjorie. I was surprised to see you did this with oil pastels!

Thanks, everyone! Ellen - oil pastels can be frustrating can’t they. I’ve found that the surface you work on is crucial.

This works really well Marjorie. I found oil pastels difficult to work with but you are doing great work with them.

Beautiful shiny cherries! Love the depth of colours.

Nearly missed this Marjorie. Love the effects you have achieved with oil pastels. The cherries are so tangible and the glass and wooden bench have such material form. A very inspirational work. Makes me want to have a go with oil pastels.

David, Romila, Diane and Carole - thanks again. 2 tips from me - warm hands and smooth surface.

This is stunning Marjorie.

Hang on Studio Wall
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Oil pastel on card

About the Artist
Marjorie Firth

Still Life, seascapes and portraits are my favourite subjects. I paint whatever takes my fancy, am self-taught and, from time to time, attend short courses. I paint in a variety of media, oils are my favourite. I enjoy the challenge of entering the monthly POL competitions and have exhibited 5 times…

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