The Nelson Monument and New Parliament House, Edinburgh

The Nelson Monument and New Parliament House, Edinburgh

This is fab. I have always wanted to go out with our urban sketchers, maybe one day.

Such a difficult topic to tackle and you have made a grand job of this Margaret.

Thank you Jennifer :) This is the first time I have gone out with them - I had been put off by the very high quality of sketches on their Facebook page (architectural quality in some cases) but they were very welcoming, so I would encourage you to go out with your lot. Thank you Carole :)

Great job Margaret.

Urban sketchers - such a great and talented group of people all over the world. I love their postings that give you a snapshot of time from everywhere just like this does- great.

Thank you Emma :) Thank you Rachel - I love seeing Urban Sketcher work too :)

Hang on Studio Wall

Out with the Edinburgh Urban Sketchers a couple of weeks ago - view from the lovely hidden garden at Dunbars Close off the Royal Mile - the Nelson Monument and New Parliament House. Watercolour and pen.

About the Artist
Margaret Nisbet

I'm an amateur artist. I have drawn all my life - used to be mainly portraits but now a wider range. Did a lot of portrait/figure drawing at classes for a while in the 1990s then had a break from doing much at all until a couple of years ago, since when I've gone back to classes and workshops run…

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