Turner Street M/C

Turner Street M/C

Another super Manchester scene. It is wonderful how you capture the feel of the city with just some loosely drawn lines and watercolour washes. It looks casually done, but I am sure it was well thought out beforehand. Lovely work, Louise.

This really conveys a sunny day in the city Louise, the turquoise umbrella!s are a lovely touch.

All those windows took some drawing, love all the different styles of architecture.

Great Louise, really like this one, not too,loose!

A superb watercolour again Louise! I like the people that you have started to add in your street scenes, they make the town alive.

Another super addition to your Manchester series. I like the combination of old and new here, with the Victorian warehouses and the concrete car park, could almost be Rome with the outdoor cafe and the current weather! manchester must have been quite a place at the height of the cotton boom.

Gosh, so many good comments. Thank you all. I do appreciate your kind words as this one took longer than usual and was more of a struggle. All those windows Lesley! I am rather pleased with it though if I'm honest..lol

I quite enjoy painting windows and you tackle in a completely different way - great to see.

I admire anyone who paints buildings and you do it incredibly well. This is a great painting and your gallery is super too.

Thank you very much Michael and Dawn!

What can I add? It has all been said before! Lovely work, Louise :)

I'm really enjoying your ink and wash scenes, Louise - there's a lightness and a sense of joie de vivre in them, and this one is no exception. It's gorgeous.

Hang on Studio Wall

watercolour and pen. 43 cm x 34 cm

About the Artist
Louise Naimian

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