Thomas street M/C

Thomas street M/C

No it isn't Louise, but I do like it! Love the pink building, the cars and the lady striding confidently across the shop front. Excellent!

No - but it is really, really good! I love the colours you have used and I actually think the more sharply defined buildings work even better than the very loose ones. It still has that immediate feel and the incidental goings on of the city about it - nothing has been lost. What is that pink colour you have used on the building facing us? Is it Opera Rose? It certainly catches the eye, especially with that flash of lime green on the building to the side.

Thank you Christine and Thea. The colours are pretty much true to life! The pink? Permanent rose.

but still in your distinctive style and great palette.

Certainly catches the eye. I like this more sharper finished style, it works well with the cityscape, Great color pink, is the building really that pink? The composition is great and would work well even more abstract and blocky with less detail.

Posted by K 0 on Sat 25 Jan 19:28:53

Thanks Michael and Kevin. It took me all day as well.. Kevin, what you say about painting it more abstract/blocks of colour had already occurred to me. What's that they say about 'great minds'? LOL

Lady after my own heart... charging to shop! Lovely street, guaranteed to cheer.

Striking image; your design background shows through.

Not as loose, that's for sure Louise, but really good. I don't know which ones I prefer because they both have their own " personalities". I love the colours here and the figure walking on the street makes the painting alive. Good stuff!

It is the sharpness of your lines in this that make it so appealing Louise, people want to see details

Thank you Carole, Robert, Satu and Ros. Ros, that's what my daughter said to me which is why I painted a recognizable, detailed scene. The 'loose' ones could be any old street, a painting like this, although not as much fun to do, is of a known road. She liked it as well!

I like both your city-scape styles Louise, they are still both yours and very distinctive. Great colours too!

I really like your use of colours Louise. Very daring. Beautifully painted.

I really like this one Louise, that pink building really zings and I like the way you lead us into the painting with that building in the left foreground.

Good strong colours, Louise

Thank you Fiona, Joseph, Val and Pat. I appreciate your kind comments !

Not as loose, but this still retains your trademark spontaneity and vibrance. There's so much charm and character in your street scenes, Louise. I never tire of them!

Hang on Studio Wall

watercolour. 24 cm x 31 cm. Not as loose as my others!

About the Artist
Louise Naimian

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