Walk on the Beach

Walk on the Beach

Very eye catching piece.

Skilled use of watercolour. Lovely.

Great watercolour full of light and lovely scene.

Brilliant colours! Prussian blue mixes so well with anything. I really like the way you painted the figure and the sky.

Posted on Fri 23 Jun 13:00:29

There's a lovely simplicity about this that all works well Kathryn. A pleasant short story rather than a novel. Nice work.

Original, beautiful and inventive water colour. Fab.

Hang on Studio Wall

Watercolor using three colors: Prussian Blue, Q. Gold, A. Crimson

About the Artist
Kathryn Wert

I live in the small village of Cambridge, Idaho. I take walks every morning along the Weiser river with Brindi, the spry brown dog. I've always drawn and now I paint in watercolors. Everything I've learned has been from books and the occasional one day workshop. I am convinced that the key to…

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