Blue Monday

Blue Monday

Super bold and striking painting. Lovely movement from the figures and, as usual, amazing depiction of light and shade. P.S. Sorry if I have missed any of your work but I have been run off my feet building Ikea furniture for my new studio. Too exhausted to paint at the moment!!

Thanks Thea. Ikea furniture -argh- took me 4 hours to build up a wardrobe and it still doesn't look right lol

Another super addition to your Manchester series, keep them coming Joseph.

You're walking from St Ann's square up to the end of Market Street? I always like the well observed detail Joseph. All the traffic signs and ordinary, everyday people. You paint it as it is. Lovely work as always.

PS, good title as well!

Thanks Stephen and Louise for your kind comments.

I like the melancholy feel to this. Single people going about their business without heeding each other, obeying the dictates of their lives like 'one way' and 'no entry' street signs. The traffic light indicates 'stop', but we're too busy to even slow down...

Excellent. I shall have a look at your article in due course. I have a few pages to catch up with after a little holiday!

Hope you like the article Gudrun.

Hang on Studio Wall

Watercolour 10"X14". Street in Manchester

About the Artist
Joseph Broderick

Hello My name is Joseph Broderick. I was born in Ravensthorpe in 1969 in West Yorkshire and currently live in Mirfield also in West Yorkshire. I studied art and design at Dewsbury College and then completed a Fine Art Degree at Cardiff studying performance art. I have exhibited performance works…

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