Looking Down From Picaddilly Station

Looking Down From Picaddilly Station

very good indeed Joseph

I do like the way you can paint dark colours without them becoming too dense and flat. Your areas of dark tone always have so many other colours showing through and adding interest. Great sketch.

agreed, very impressive work Joseph

My home town - I was there this weekend - wouldn't ever want to go back to live there but still love the place. I do envy your great use of the darks Joseph.

fantastic sketch good luck with the bigger painting xx

Interesting shapes in this one Joseph. I like the triangular traffic island and the way that the foreground is divided in half, dark one side and broken up with the bold road markings on the right. It all makes for an interesting composition. Really good contrasting dark and light areas as well. If this is a sketch idea for a larger painting, I'd keep the colours pretty much as they are and obviously post it here even though seeing your work makes me rather envious of your skill with watercolour!

Thank you all for your lovely comments - much appreciated. Yes Louise I like the intersecting lines of the paving, shadows, and tram lines. I might keep the colours similar but with highlights here and there of intense bursts of colour.

Louise has said it much better than I ever could. I agree with her and will be waiting for the bigger version. I love it Joseph!

Thanks Satu - I will post a bigger version when I get to it lol. So busy doing pictures for people I just don't seem to be getting back to my street scenes. I've got a cat, a zebra, a double portrait, and church scene, someone's garden, and my mum to paint - all commissions (which I promised myself I wouldn't do anymore - but hey it's money so.....)

Isn't it wonderful that people want to have your paintings on their walls!

Hang on Studio Wall

A quick 10 minute watercolour sketch (really a tonal study for a larger painting I am doing).

About the Artist
Joseph Broderick

Hello My name is Joseph Broderick. I was born in Ravensthorpe in 1969 in West Yorkshire and currently live in Mirfield also in West Yorkshire. I studied art and design at Dewsbury College and then completed a Fine Art Degree at Cardiff studying performance art. I have exhibited performance works…

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