Chattel Huts

Chattel Huts

Oh this is superb Jenny absolutely beautiful and brilliant

Lovely painting, great colours

lovely work Jenny like the figures the palm trees are very well done overall excellent aerial and linear perspective

I know it well Jenny. I love the Chattel Houses in Barbados. A lovely painting and vibrant colours, as indeed they are in reality.

This has got great atmosphere Jenny. Your trees are great.

Christopher thank you for having a look at this, your comment is much appreciated,

Dennis, you flatter me with your comment, thank you for taking a peek, your art is ace.

Glad you like it Peter, I adore the Chattel huts/houses their and the different colours so bright and cheerful.

David thank you for your comment, I take them all on board. Its amazing how and also the way people look at a painting as to how it is viewed. Happy that you took a look.

Ellen thank you for looking. Beyond these huts is the Fish Market, you can buy a handful of skins for a few bds dollars walk to the pier and feed the turtles, but the best part was being at one with them in the water.

Adele many thanks for taking a look at this, me and the trees in this one have fallen out, took me forever, longer than the whole painting put together.

Beautiful Jenny!

I knew it must be the Carribean immediately I saw it because of the colours and light.

Cesare thank you for your comment and taking the time to take a look

Gudrun, yeah I love the bright colours too of the Carribean. I remember every morning when I awoke it was like somebody had switched the light on always bright and sunny.

Oh Jenny, this is superb!! Colours, light composition.....well everything

Fiona thank you for your comments much appreciated. I adore your art which is just amazing.

Fantastic work, lovely composition Jenny

Awesome work, Jenny!

Thank you Petra for taking a look at my Chattel huts much obliged

Bob, many thanks I am glad that you like this one of the Chattel huts

Extremely lovely painting Jenny.

Thank you Carole for having a look, I simply adore your art its truly amazing

The huts do so catch the eye Jenny. Well done, oh and the pigeons.

I've seen the turtles Jenny, but never got into the water with them. It must be quite an emotional experience. I love Barbados. And your painting of these Chattel Houses is brilliant.

Thanks John for your input, glad you had a quick peak your comments are always appreciated

Ellen, there is a pier by the fish market, not many people walk along there, but there are some steps leading down into the ocean and you are allowed to go down them and swim with the turtles. With having bought the skins they all come I think at one time I had a dozen around me and it is just an amazing feeling, exhilarating even, to be amongst them. Maybe you will who knows aye

I've never been to the Caribbean but this makes me long to go. I can just imagine it. It must've been challenging painting those palm fronds. Gorgeous atmosphere, Jenny.

Thank you Caroline, those palms well what can I say a bit of a nightmare I must admit, but I was determined. I must say if ever you do get the chance to go, this place is a must on the to do list, Annies is the place we would stop for marlin and after a couple of visits, they would take one look at us and on went the marlin which if you have never tasted is a beaut meal, nicely washed down with a glass of ice cold beer.

Superb painting Jenny

Thank you Dermot for taking a look your comment is much appreciated.

I love your palette in this one Jenny - greens are so difficult to get right.

Frank thank you for having a look, the Palms took forever, as you say greens are a, there were a few explicit words from me, but am glad I persevered. I finally put this on the wall today with the approval of the family.

Gorgeous! I can feel the heat and wish I was there, Jenny.!!!!!

Jennifer thank you for taking a look, I know what you mean about the weather it is awesome

Great composition and palette. It's a bit unusual to cut the peoples feet off, but it works as we can see!

Christof thank you for looking

Agree the trees are particularly excellent. Well done you.

Thanks Paul for taking a look, thank you for your comment

Such a good gallery..I think oils!

Hang on Studio Wall

An array of never-ending Chattel Huts near to Oistins Fishmarket in the Carribean

About the Artist
Jenny Meadows

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