

I like this, too. She is so self contained and the light is wonderful. I like the way you've done the background blue on one side and brown on the other.

This is lovely. The light is great. Also, the look does it for me. Jeannette

Thankyou for your comments. Light is so important in my portraits. This one was on exhibition in The Mall Galleries London in The Society of Women Artists exhibition.

Jean, This is wonderful!!!!. The captured light and the Impish looks are great. Now its me thats envious. Have left details about the Velour on Maximus. Thanks for the comments.

Gorgeous Jean can see why it went to the Mall

Thank you for your comment about my work Jean. Much welcome from a talented artist ! I do love this portrait, I see that you like playing with light too ! Just beautiful.

Hi Jean. Thank you for your comment on my work. You have a great grasp on a variety of different materials. I particularly like this portrait, the colours within the shadows are very effective.

A lovely painting with great use of light.

Thankyou for your wonderful comments.

Thankyou for your fabulous comments. I have a business page on facebook called Fandabbie Paintings if you're interested! Jean

Just beautifull, wonderfull light

Just beautifull, the look the hair and the light , terrific work

Hang on Studio Wall

About the Artist
Jean Ross

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