The Farmers' Market

Farmers' Market

A smasher Jan, great palette and finger work!

Thanks for your comments Dennis and Heather - much appreciated...

Looks very interesting, Jan.

Tremendous painting.

Thank you, Shirley and Chris - yes, it was a very interesting market, with the best peaches we'd ever eaten!

Like it a lot , really well painted.

interesting mark making!!

Love this Jan. Eye drawn straight to the front cyclist and then all around the composition. It’s marvellous.

Thank you for your encouraging comments, Paul, Judit and Karen... I'm glad you feel the cyclist is the focal point, Karen, as that's what I was hoping for.

At first I thought it was pastel, Jan. This is a pretty complicated scene to try, you’ve pulled it off and yes, my eye is on the cyclist.

Wonderful painting.

Thanks, Marjorie and Cat - you're right that it's a complicated scene, Marjorie - I removed 8 people! It was actually very difficult deciding what to keep in and what to take out...

Jan, this is brilliant! Your skill with people is so good- particularly the girl with the bike. The colour palette is very pleasing too. Lovely.

Hang on Studio Wall
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We went to America last summer and I caught this scene one day at the St. Louis Farmers' Market. The morning sun was so pretty, and I was struck by the cyclist in particular. I wanted to do this painting just with a palette knife, but the tents stood out too much so I used my finger to blend them into the background. Oil on canvas board.

About the Artist
Jan Rossington

I'm an amateur artist and my favourite medium is oil. I particularly enjoy painting scenes of people using a palette knife. I've got a lot to learn about painting, but my goal is to keep improving. I try to enjoy the process of painting rather than worrying too much about what the final painting…

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