Lake at Laughton Meadows


I admire your circular composition, which leads the eye around this pleasant scene Frank.

Wonderful fresh landscape Frank, so much light!

The technique has worked a treat Frank and I also agree with Carole

I agree that the eye is led round the water and towards the right horizon. Especially with the position of the boat

Nicely done Frank.

A great composition. I love the reflections in the water and how you’ve painted the fields and foliage towards the horizon line.

Thanks everyone for commenting

Hang on Studio Wall

Another from my en plein air course, done alla prima. Following the tutor’s instruction, I built this up with tonal values first, using acrylic then applying oil paint. Oil on board 8x10 inches.

About the Artist
Frank Bingley

I've had very little tuition over the years except for a two year course during the late 1990s in watercolour. Since retirement in 2012, I now have time to pursue my love of painting. In recent years I have ventured into linoprinting, acrylics , oils and gouache. Gouache is fast becoming my…

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