

Delightful loose style here Carole, I am sat here trying to work up some enthusiasm to take my Rosie dog out for walk and it is pouring down outside! Your gorgeous spring flowers here have lifted my spirit a bit, just wish weather would play ball and give us some real spring sunshine!

Beautiful spring picture - love the colours and the loose style.

Posted by Ann Cook on Mon 27 May 12:39:24

Thanks so much Ros and Ann, you have made my day! Ros we have had a couple of days sunshine but it's forcast rain rest of week, where is Summer these days?

Lovely colour Carole. It works well!

Love everything about this- colours, delicacy, variation in strokes etc. nothing to wince about here but we are all too self-critical I know.

Just delightful! A perfect posy of watercolour flowers.

Looks good to me - you have asked for crits and the only comment I would make is that a touch of the darker mauve towards the top (left of centre) would give it the classic triangle composition and give it slightly more balance but a small point to make about this lovely watercolour.

Super water colour Carole - so good to know you are painting again!

Thanks all for your encouragement. Thanks Michael, I think you are right, will try it.

Why wince it's great I love the way the leaves melt at the bottom - I would agree we often critical about our own paintings.

Thank you Helen and Valerie, I appreciate your comments.

Naughty naughty, just read on AF that you have b****d this, it certainly didn't deserve that fate Carole LOL I like the looseness of it and those yellow primulas are just lovely.

Love it Carole. No need to wince. I too have not painted for a while. Picked up my brush yesterday for the first time in ages and well........................there IS a case for wincing! But not this. You should be proud. It's lovely. Jx

Love it Carole, sorry I missed this one whilst on holiday, the vivid colours and the looseness works for me.

Thanks Jean and Glennis for encouraging comments. Val, I have dug it out of the bin!! Will try and rescusitate it :o))

Hang on Studio Wall

Here's me trying to paint loose-ish. Inspired by my Spring flowers. Been too lazy to paint this last few months, it's like started all over again! I know I have overworked it so pleased feel free to give me any advice:o) Made me wince when I saw it on here!

About the Artist
Carole Swingler

Self- taught artist, I have dabbled in watercolours for many years on and off. My first love is flower painting in watercolour. Now trying many different media including acrylic inks, gouache, all types of pencils to try loose-ish semi abstract images.

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