Sunflower chorus

Sunflower chorus

If this isn't very good I would love to see your good, beautiful flowers and sad to see the end of them for another year. Great painting as usual Carole

It is lovely Carole as Glennis has said so eloquently, these Sunflower heads are just lovely, a great touch of late summer colour that all too soon will be gone

Brilliant Carole. the "chucking method " works.

What a lovely title for a super painting Carole, I love the looseness, the salt texture, everything about it. It certainly cheered me up even though we have a nice sunny day here, no rain :)

What a super bunch of 'smiles' Carole, and I agree with Sylvia, the "chucking everyting at it method" has really worked.

As all the above comments have said it already, good one!

Kee-eep Chucking!!! Lol certainly needed cheering up and this one did it!

These sunflowers are lovely. Love the method you used. Keep up this chucking method and show us more work.

Well thanks very much everyone for your generous comments, you have all cheered me up. Yes Val I forgot to include the salt in my 'chucking method'! I think a bit of cling film went on somewhere also and I know I overworked it! :o))

I'm tempted to say that it's bright and sunny here as well today but I'd be lying! This is certainly a bright, sunny painting and all the different techniques plus the well observed flowers have worked out really well.

Not very good?! This is an excellent piece, Carole! Love the merging of washes and the spontaneity that comes through.

Great rendition of sunflowers. I painted some once and found it fiendishly difficult, so I can admire the quality of the painting you have produced. Lovely work, Carole.

Thanks so much for your encouraging comments Louise, Seok and Thea.

Hang on Studio Wall

Last ditch at Summer flowers. I chucked everything in this...watercolour acrylic ink, inktense, col pencil etc. Not very good but a bit of cheer for this miserable rainy day! Also it's blurred because the daylight was poor :o))

About the Artist
Carole Swingler

Self- taught artist, I have dabbled in watercolours for many years on and off. My first love is flower painting in watercolour. Now trying many different media including acrylic inks, gouache, all types of pencils to try loose-ish semi abstract images.

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