Feeling spikey (after Christmas exhaustion) :(

Feeling spikey (after Christmas exhaustion) :(

Lovely, lovely work Carole.....

Thank you Sylvia, good job it comes once a year! Hope you are improving well, have a great New Year x

A very very fine piece of work Carole your so good at these paintings, as good as anybody well done , happy new year.

This is really good Carole, love it.

Wonderful painting, Carole - lots of character...

Another classic with great placement of objects and colour a perfect subject for the delicious details of inks great textures colour and vibrant it's got everything brilliant Carole

Thank you so much everyone, got very frustrated with it as overdid the masked spikes, tried hard to hide them :(

Splendid Carole. Hope you and your family have a great New Year.

Carole this is gorgeous!!

Hope you have smoothed out a little Carole....just in time for Hogmanay tomorrow! lol Teasels are so perfect for adding lots of textures, this is lovely.

Thank you very much Michael, Linda and Fiona, very kind. Fiona I will smooth out after tomorrow night as they are all descending on us again tomorrow ! :))

Lovely teasels! a super soft background sets off the spikes beautifully.

Love these Carole, can almost feel the spikes.

Many thanks Helen and Anne. Happy New Year!

I love the granulation of the colours which with their softness make a great contrast to the sharp spikes. One more effort tonight with the evening meal and then we can all relax until next Christmas. Happy New Year Carole!!

Dennis has said it and my sentiments are with Satu! I am feeling spiky as I have not painted since 12th of December. All that preparation for School fairs and Christmas and then all the rest. Too much food, chocolates, frost. Argh. I have been in my art lair this morning and have settled the mind for a start on a new piece tomorrow. It's amazing how just entering the room focusses the mind. A motivational piece in the Artists Mag was also helpful!

Beautiful colours, Carole.

Thanks so much Satu, Gudrun and Ellen. Yes all over by tomorrow hopefully! Gudrun I look forward to your new piece:). A very Happy New Year hope you all have a peaceful and prosperous 2017xx

Wonderful painting as ever, Carole.

Thank you Cesare for your kind comments over the last year.

Lovely as always Carole. Compliments of the season.

Thank you Henry, Happy New Year to you .

I knew this must be yours, Carole. Really gorgeous! Happy New Year to you.xx

Thanks Jennifer:) A very Happy New Year to you too x

Hang on Studio Wall

Watercolour acrylic inks.

About the Artist
Carole Swingler

Self- taught artist, I have dabbled in watercolours for many years on and off. My first love is flower painting in watercolour. Now trying many different media including acrylic inks, gouache, all types of pencils to try loose-ish semi abstract images.

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