Drawing Inspired by Alphonse Mucha


Beautiful and beautifully done, Carole.

That's gorgeous Carole, love it.

Lovely drawing, Carole! I love Mucha’s work.

Omg what an amazing detail and so neatly executed.. love it Carole!

Chic, elegant .....fabulous Carole.

Thank you ladies, very kind.

Beautifully drawn, Carole.

That's really good

Fantastic drawing, has lots of detail in it.

Beautifully drawn Carole, you have so much more patience than me!

Beautifully sketched Carole. Love all the delicate details.

Thanks so much for kind comments, Margaret, Alan, Paul, Alan and Carole.

Very appealing, carole, lovely work!

Excellent Carole with great detail. Must look up Mucha.

Wonderfully executed Carole.

Hang on Studio Wall

Pencil drawing with 2H, 4B. Couple of hours free!

About the Artist
Carole Swingler

Self- taught artist, I have dabbled in watercolours for many years on and off. My first love is flower painting in watercolour. Now trying many different media including acrylic inks, gouache, all types of pencils to try loose-ish semi abstract images.

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