The Easter Bouquet

The Easter Bouquet

Just lovely , beautiful colours.

Agreed, this a fabulous scene Doranne, you have a great eye for a good shot and are then able o transfer it into a painting

Thank you once again for your lovely comments

Hang on Studio Wall

One of my all time favourite portraits I made a few years back of my neighbour's daughter. As she stood on my doorstep with the freshly picked flowers from her parents garden was such a touching moment, that I grabbed my camera and snapped a picture which I later referred to create this painting. - This painting now hangs in a private collection in Germany

About the Artist
Doranne Alden

Doranne Alden was born in Malta in 1963 and is a professional Art Tutor, Artist and Graphic Designer who has over 40 years experience in the Art world and also has been holding painting holidays and workshops at her beautiful 300 year old farmhouse on the Island of Gozo for the last 8 years. At theā€¦

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