Break in the clouds

Break in the clouds

I love your orange and indigo paintings, and this is a beauty! Gorgeous depth and expression, Stevan. Beautiful.

Good to have you in here Stevan. This is a smashing piece of expressive painting that has captured that moment.

Lovely bold watercolour Stevan, nice contrast between the angry sky and the sun filled field. As you say the foreground bush adds depth.

Beautiful sky. Unusual combination of colours makes this very attractive Stevan

I meant the clouds are particularly oppressive. Auto spell is annoying me!

Like all your paintings Stevan, this is full of atmosphere.

This was obviously painted with great feeling, which conveys itself to the viewer. A powerful piece of work.

Hang on Studio Wall

A break in the stormy sky cascades light on to the sheep grazed hedgerow and tree. The foreground foliage is included to bring depth to the picture.

About the Artist
Stevan Petrovic

I was born in Wakefield West Yorkshire and lived in that area most of my life. I moved over the border in to Lancashire (only just) in 2011. My family and my job have been priorities but I have managed to draw and paint since I was a child. For a short period I was the Chairman of Wakefield art…

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