Portrait 9 Finished


The colours work a treat and it's another powerful portrait Fen./

Wonderfull painting. great expression.

A terrific series showing great skill Fen. Well done.

Wonderful skin tones and features Fen. Love the various shades of warm pinks, mauves and reds.

Thank you all who have commented. I feel I've progressed since lockdown has enforced the study of the only willing sitter! I feel very encouraged by your overwhelming support.

I particularly like your treatment of the eyes Fen.

Thanks Kay.

I envy you and many others who can do brilliant portraits. Possibly if I had the patience and concentration,I could,but sadly I hadn’t got enough of either!!

Hang on Studio Wall

Kept the Burnt Umber ground for the background. Palette mainly Ultramarine, Yellow Ochre and Aliziran Crimson. Titanium white mixes for the lighter tones. Also added Ivory black into the shadow of the T-shirt. Light was coming from behind and bouncing off the mirror making it difficult as it was hitting many surfaces of my face.

About the Artist
Fen D'Lucie

I undertook Art History and Drawing at college. On leaving, my art was put on hold for many years as I worked for employers in unrelated streams. In the early 2000's I returned to art for my own pleasure. I started drawing animals for friends which grew into producing commissioned dog and horse…

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