My Ptime sketch of the week

My Ptime sketch of the week

CORRECTION ! Prime sketch

Lovely holiday sketch Derek.

That's a great sketch, Derek. It reminds of my childhood camping days.

The good drawing and the loose background complement each other.

You have made a great job of it Derek. Given the scene good perspective as well.

A terrific sketch Derek....lovely blue skies too, you had a good week by the look of it.

I like it a lot - lovely drawing of your beautiful Erica and a lovely context in which to place it. Great work

Lovely fresh descriptive image

A good sketch with interesting detail Derek!

Chuck the cards away Derek, if you can do this, you don't need them. PS hope you didn't step in the cow pats!

Thanks Carole, Ellen, Stephen, John, Fiona, Tom, David, Louise and Tony. The time I spent on the caravan was far more than I usually spend on a total sketch and even then it's not perfect Tony, for instance the lowest edge of the open window and a lot of meaningless lines . Extreme care on lines and angles was needed to justify the image and as for spening that amount of time trying to use brushes etc and then skilled watercolour, which once I could do, would be reverting to tight works and that's not me anymore, as much as it ever wasn't. A good week in all, weird mixed weather like everywhere but enjoyable. We did tread in it but knew so and were careful not to step into the van and luckily we had time and space to position where we had no muck in a two metre range of the door. No doubt lots did and in tents. Unavoidable really.

This is excellent. You definitely have captured the lovely surroundings. I'm not sure about the smell though!

A excellent sketch it is too. The caravan is great.

Lovely drawing, and enhanced by the understated use of colour.

Hang on Studio Wall

In A4 pad, deliberately chose a low aspect and only part of our Eriba caravan, to try and capture the really nice surroundings. We were camped (about 30 tents, 2 caravans) in a heavily cow excremented field attached to a pub at Tarrant Keyneston near Blandford Forum. The whole idea was to capture the quirky beauty of the van in some careful detail.

About the Artist
Derek Snowdon

Eleventyeight as my hashing pals called my new age recently, it's supposed to sound better. Trying to paint every day in acrylics using only expired credit/debit cards, and partially succeeding as they're only for me and not show these days.

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