Moonlight Reflections

Moonlight Reflections

Lovely painting claire

Nice work here Claire, you have done a good job on the light... how old are these kids?? Sounds like they are helping !! Keep working hard (on the painting!!!) never worry about work!

Thank you for the kind comments. Guy, my children are 11, 14 and 16 and are very encouraging with my painting. They tell me to keep going when I have moments of struggling with it! 😊

Sound like great kids..... as we say here, 'good on em!'

Hang on Studio Wall

Watercolour on paper

About the Artist
Claire Lucas

Just over 30 years ago I studied a BTEC in general art & design which I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of and it gave me a good grounding in art. I went on to do a degree in three dimensional design but only completed the first year. Sadly i think i chose the wrong direction and I lost my…

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