The postman's been!

The postman's been!

This is wonderful. I love the colours and textures.

Excellent watercolour painting Avril, you capture decay and rust fabulously, and with such great depth of colopur as well

So good to see you back on POL Avril! This painting is absolutely gorgeous! I love the wedgewood blue and that lovely pale yellow that you have used. Very harmonious and beautiful!

Great color combination, and you've captured the bright light well.

Posted by K 0 on Wed 05 Feb 17:43:14

Thank you Helen, Dawn,Ros, Satu and Kevin for your encouraging comments. Needed a break in the sun to pull me out of winter blues!

This just jumped out at me. Your inspiration for the subject shines through. It is so good.

What a start to the year with this one Avril! Your peeling paint is superb, as is the whole painting.

I do admire your ability to convey really strong sunshine by the use of wonderfully bold shadows. Also there is always something toe tingling about the combination of that bright blue and bright yellow - really delicious. A wonderful painting, Avril - and how come you get to be in exotic Martinique and I get stuck with freezing, rainy old Britain - not fair, lol!

Thanks Gudrun, Fiona and Thea for your lovely feedback. After a week working on a painting it's difficult knowing whether I got it right ! Yes Thea we were lucky enough to escape for two weeks to sun and warmth. So strange seeing Christmas decorations .... a time warp!

Fantastic watercolour Avril, love it

Stunning, stunning work, Avril! The light, composition and palette are all excellent. Beautifully done!

Such lovely feedback Petra and Seok; always appreciated.

I've complimented you on thsi elsewhere Avril. Beyond the usual lovely detail and colour, I admire the fine balance of the composition. With so many disparate elements this could so easly have become a mere catalogue of components, whereas it has harmony and cohesion.

You always capture the feeling of sunshine so well Avril with your expertly done shadows and, yet again, I keep getting the urge to start picking at that peeling paint :)

Interesting collection of paintings!

super work! I like very very!

Hang on Studio Wall

First painting this year...... ! Found lots of new subjects in Martinique.... this was part of a shop front in Fort de France. So pleased the POL sight is back to normal !

About the Artist
Avril Soldani

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