Early Morning Sun, Aberystwyth

Early Morning Sun, Aberystwyth

A lovely, busy street scene. Very nice.

You have captured the drabness of the town very clearly with muted tones, but I would have preferred not to see the car...it closes down the distance between fore and background so one's eye is stuck mid way. Without it, your work would have had a more timeless quality.

Super oil painting of this street scene in the early morning Averil

The car has been in various places in the composition. I'd even thought about pedestrianising Terrace Road! I might try other 'variations' when I've got time.

nice mood

Hang on Studio Wall

Early morning in Terrace Road, Aberystwyth. Oil on canvas, 40cm x 40cm. The lightcaught my attention, whilst doing some early morning shopping. I doodled a sketch plus colour notes, as I knew that the photographs from my phone wouldn't show what I had seen. From January 11th on exhibition at Royal Cambrian Academy Open Art Exhibition, Crown Lane, Conwy, LL32 8AN until 22nd February.

About the Artist
Averil Rees

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