Blue Skies Happy Days (reworked and retitled)

Blue Skies Happy Days (reworked and retitled)

You have a lovely sense of movement in this Janet, leading the viewer through to the vanishing point, and curious as to where it goes. I also like your texture in the foreground.

There is s lovely sense of distance as well as the feeling of a gentle breeze in the foreground

Lovely, Janet. Super whooshy feeling about the field.

Love the flow of this and your brush strokes Janet. Great atmosphere about this..

Love the idea of movement in this Janet.

Hang on Studio Wall

I finally turn the skies blue! What a meaningful title or retitled. For years the skies were grey and look like a strom is blasting through. Rendition for a photo from a book about The Netherlends I borrowed from the library, sorry could not even recall the title of the book and will definately credit to the photographer but I forgot to take note. This is acrylic on stretch canvas.

About the Artist
Janet Ng

I am a mixed media artist in sunny Singapore! Well, its sunny most days other days are rainy - just two variations in weather as we do not have the four seasons here. So the different seasons always amaze me when I do get to travel, vast spaces and country sides are my favorite subjects in my art.…

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