Field of Dandelions

Field of Dandelions

They're lovely, Janet! People don't appreciate the weeds enough! I'm English but moved to Malta 20 years ago, we have many varieties of wild flowers... but no buttercups or true dandelions, I really miss them! These remind me of them so much! just a gorgeous picture!

Lovely painting, Janet.

Hang on Studio Wall

I painted this as an abstract piece. The first time I saw Dandelions was in UK, they were seedling and their seeds were flying about which amazes me.

About the Artist
Janet Ng

I am a mixed media artist in sunny Singapore! Well, its sunny most days other days are rainy - just two variations in weather as we do not have the four seasons here. So the different seasons always amaze me when I do get to travel, vast spaces and country sides are my favorite subjects in my art.…

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